Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Cooks Illustrated.

I was just reading a few blog posts back, and just had to mention this.  My sister got me a subscription to Cooks Illustrated and to the Cook's Illustrated Entertaining magazines for my birthday last year, and it's been like the gift that keeps on giving.  I love it!  What I love is the write up that goes into how they came about getting their recipe, and how they tested it out.  I've shared some of the recipes with a few people, including a pie crust recipe with my mom, who has been making pies forever, and she now uses a crust from Cooks Illustrated!

Matt's family recently moved away from the good 'ol USA, and for one last get-together Matt and I decided to host a dinner.  In that dinner we used many recipes from CI - including garlic roasted potatoes, roasted pear and blue cheese salad, and a cranberry pecan tart...all of which were AMAZING and delicious...It was so fun.  Anyways, if you have't already, check out their website and grab yourself a free recipe or two - they have a few posted.  The blueberry muffins are delicious!

1 comment:

  1. Don't forget about the Ultimate Stuffed Chicken Breasts...awesome!
