Friday, September 23, 2011

And a baby makes...4

It doesn't appear that I've actually mentioned this yet...we've decided to have another baby.  This one is due in February.  So for me, that just means a little less than 5 months to go.

This pregnancy has been very different from my pregnancy with Miss Muffit.  It seems from the MOMENT I took that pregnancy test the nausea set in and I started in with the deep breathing - through the mouth - cause whatever it was that I smelled had the potential of making my toss my cookies at any moment.  I'm lucky that nothing ever came up, however, my 'morning/all day sickness' lasted clear until I was about 15 weeks along.  Since then I've been feeling great....tired...but anything beats that gross motion sick feeling.

Since announcing to our world that we're having another baby, we've actually gotten word that few of our family and friends are expecting now too!  Remember that wedding that I wrote of a few months ago?  Well they announced that they are expecting, along with a cousin of Matt's in MN, as well as an old friend of mine back in my home town - and they are expecting within a week of us!  It was my mom who said the nicest thing to me with this pregnancy - she said "That's really nice, I think we have room for one more".

Currently the question is: to find out, or not to find out; as far as the gender goes.  Ultrasound is in two weeks.  I have to admit, that I'm really torn with this.  Matt and I have different ideas on how many children we want.  I've always said 3, he used to say 3, but when we had Miss Muffet, his number changed to 1.5.  So, deciding to have another to him was necessary, since he didn't want Little Miss to be an only child, but still going to be a big challenge.  I kinda feel like if this is going to be my last baby, maybe I want to experience what's it's like to go the entire 9 months without knowing - having to wait until that little one decides to come out.  On the other hand, we LOVED knowing with baby-girl; it was awesome knowing a little more about that little person growing in there.  Matt would like to know - I know there's a place in him that would love to have one of each, although be perfectly happy with 2 of the same - and he's also mentioned that he doesn't want to take away from my experience of not knowing by finding out.  And he said there's no way he could keep it a secret from me (I've given him the option of knowing and not telling me!).  So we will see what we come up with.

We've also let our little girl know about the pregnancy - and although I'm sure she doesn't fully understand what it means, she's very cute and tells us that she has a baby in her tummy too.  Then she pretends to take the baby out and hand it to us.  Often the baby turns into a dragon, and then she roars.  Side note, we were driving down the road one day and she saw a school bus (which is VERY exciting), and she roared at it, "Rawwr!", I asked why she roared and she responded "Scawre kids".

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