Thursday, December 9, 2010

New Baby!

We often say "seems like everybody we know are having babies", but I suppose that just has a lot to do with our age.  When we were in our early 20s, so were all of our friends.  Now, in our 30s, our siblings and friends are having babies.    On Tuesday, my sister had her baby!  A little one at that; her baby girl weighed in at 6lbs 0.5oz...  She's a couple weeks early, but since my sister was walking around 6 cm dilated, her doctor decided that they should break her water and get that baby born.  2 hours later, she had a baby to hold in her arms!  So, even though she wasn't supposed to be born until the 19th, she's a nice size! It's killing me not to fly to Montana and see the new bundle of joy...if only plane tickets weren't up 60% in price from last year!  I digress.

Welcome to the world sweet baby niece.  I can't wait to meet you!

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