Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Should I keep doing this?

I feel as though I've stalled on my weight-loss, and am wondering if I should even keep this up anymore.  My weigh in this morning was right at 132...same as last week, although I really didn't try too hard to lose any weight this past week, but it's nice too that I didn't gain anything.  For one, it was Easter, and dieting on holidays is hard when there are such yummy things to eat.  For 2, my right knee was VERY sore this week, I'm not sure what the problem was but it hurt just walking up and down the stairs, so I got NO exercise in.  And for 3, I'm tired of salad.  Which, seems like is a necessity for me to eat since I can fill up most of my plate with salad and not think that I'm going to starve to death with my puny little dinner.  AND I'm getting a little tired of balsamic dressing.

I know...somebody call a waaammuullanncee...

And to just feel sorry for myself even more, the weather has been nasty, so no fun to go outside and walk, and it's been so blasted windy that we don't feel like we can even grill something wonderful like my sister's delicious sounding Rosemary chicken breast on a green salad....

The thing is, I don't even want to go back on JC...I'm tired of their food too.  And I tried finding some good options at the grocery store the other day, but everything I picked up was 350+ calories per meal, and that jsut seemed like too much for me to lose weight...and I'm tired of frozen box foods too.  

I need to do better.  I WANT those 2 pounds gone...I'm want to see 130!  I need an attitude adjustment!

Here's to a better week.  My knee is feeling better, hopefully the weather will improve, but even if it doesn't I can still get my bunzies down on that treadmill in the basement.  And I think it's time to cruise the Lean Cusine website for some good dinner ideas!

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