Friday, May 20, 2011


When I was growing up, my eyesight was perfect, much to my disappointment.  It seemed like the 'cool kids' at school were getting smurfette glasses and other cute spectacles and oh how I wanted to wear glasses so badly.  Looking back, thank GOODNESS I didn't wear glasses!!!!  I needed all the help I could get, and glasses would NOT have been helping me out.  At all.  My mullet was all the thanks I needed, and I rocked that for like 6 years.

My parents and sister wore glasses though, and often I'd see their glasses sitting on a counter or something and they'd be SO dirty that I'd ask if they could even see through them.  I remember cleaning their glasses when I found them in that condition because I couldn't believe they could ever see anything.  And when I was finished they'd be sparkling.  Not a spec of dust.

I got my first pair of glasses about 10 years ago.  I was having trouble seeing what the professors at college were writing on the white board.  Granted, I was sitting in the back row and they insisted on writing in red marker...but none the less at spring break one year (yep no fancy vacations for me, I was so broke I just went home every spring break!), I asked my parents if they'd take me to the eye doctor, and the eye doctor agreed, no reason to move closer to the white board, glasses will solve the problem!  So I've worn them off and on for the past 10 years.  Recently I think my vision has gotten worse, and I find that I love to wear my prescription sunglasses and I have a pair of glasses that I like to wear at my computer and for driving at night.  It seems like I have terrible night vision and the glasses really help.

But one of the things that I hate about wearing glasses is that they are ALWAYS dirty.  I've become my parents and just put them on, even if there is a big smudge on them.  Even when I try to clean them, they're smeared and a mess, and after a while I just give up and put them on!  If only I had the 10 year old version of myself standing around here to give my glasses a good clean for me every day, I'd praise her for getting them so clean and then tell her to eat her carrots!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Mama bed.

I've been telling people for a while that our lives seem like they're getting back to normal...we're getting lots of sleep at night, although littlest one can be trying, for the most part she's loads of fun, and generally we are doing really well.

This false sense of security came to a screeching halt the other night.  For some reason 2 nights ago, littlest one woke up at midnight, and proceeded to call for one of the moment I can't remember which, and I can't even remember who went in there first (translation - must not have been me).  So Matt went her room, comforted her, laid her back down, gives her paci's, a drink of water, and then comes back to bed.  About 2 minutes later, she calls for us again.  This time I the same thing, go back to bed.  5 minutes pass, Matt's back in there.  Another 5, I'm in there.  But this time, I'm tired of it, so I ask her if she'd like to go lay down in mama's bed.  "Yes."

(BTW, if any of you have heard Miss Muffet talk, she has a very distinct "yes"...)

Off to mama's bed we go, and she snuggles right up, and I think even might fall asleep for a few minutes.  But then she wakes up and proceeds to toss and turn...touch Matt..."dada home"...feel my hair..."mama bed"...."hi daddy!"..."wake up dada!"..."mama go?...there ee is!"...."dada go?...there ee is!"...then us, "ssshhh, it's night night time, go to sleep"..."mama bed"....  And this goes on for another hour.  2 am comes and goes - no one is getting any sleep.

Around 2:30 or 3 Matt decides she needs to go back to her crib.  So he takes her and the water works start, and after he puts her back to bed she cries and cries and cries until I can't stand it anymore, take my pillow and decide that she and I can sleep in the spare bedroom - at least one of will get some sleep that way.  As soon as I pick her up, she says "mama bed", and cries HARD when she realizes that we're going into the guest room.  Ugh.  Matt comes in and rescues me, and back we go to mama's bed.  Joy.

So, Little Miss flops around for another hour and a half, when I think she finally gets tired, and starts crying, cause she's not comfortable or something.  At that point, all I can think of to do is change her diaper, and give her some tylenol, just in case something hurts and she couldn't tell us what.  She FINALLY fell back asleep and slept great, while Matt and I endured toes in the back and a flopping 1.89 year old until 6:30 when the alarm went off.

It was miserable, and we were both a wreck the next day.  Matt mentioned that it reminded him of the dark days of having a new born!  Ha ha!  We decided not to wake her when we got up, and Matt stayed home with her yesterday, since she slept until 8:45 in morning.  She still doesn't seem sick or anything, so we can't pinpoint what was going on that would cause her 4 hours of insomnia in the middle of the night.  Last night she tried to pull the same "mama bed" thing, and after a tag-team bedtime routine, we finally got her to lay down in her crib and go to sleep.  She did call out for her dad at 2:36 am this morning, and I noticed that he didn't go in there...good thing she didn't call out for mama!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

My new baby.

Another update in my personal life is a recent addition of a smart phone to my arsenal of electronics.  I have been putting this purchase off for some time now, as Matt got a Droid sometime last year.  I couldn't believe that a data plan was going to cost me an extra $30 a month, and I honestly didn't see myself using it.  Since then, I've grown to love our iPod Touch, that has the Facebook App, Google Reader, and the Weather Channel (to name a few) along with a few silly games that I can play before going to bed at night.  Needless to say I'm hooked.  The only problem?  Well, just that it's not a phone, and as soon as I'm outside the reach of a wifi network I don't get to do anything online, although there's still plenty of fun things to do offline.

So, needless to say, I've been tossing around the idea of getting a smart phone for a while.  And was REALLY excited when Verizon finally got the iPhone...I mean that's HUGE!  I had decided that I was going to wait for the iPhone 5 to come out sometime this summer.  Every since Verizon's iPhone 4 has been out, which was what, Febuary(?), I started re-thinking my logic.  Granted, I love our iPod touch, however, I'm not sure I was ready to replace it - considering that it would probably go into major non-use if I were to get an iPhone.  Also, for Matt's birthday, he got an iPad, which we also love and use lots.  However, I'm also a heavy google account user, and what I love about Android phones is their tight integration with google - so my email, calender, photos, etc. load would load automatically.  And I also like that although there aren't as many apps on the Android Market, a lot of them are free, and I'm a fan of free!  Granted, the App Store has lots of free apps too, but often they are a lite version or somehow crippled until you buy the full version.

With that in mind, we went into Verizon's store (btw - I sorta hate Verizon and their antics, but since everyone in my family uses them, partly because of me, party because of the network, I must stick with them - hello free minutes!) and looked at phones.  I originally thought I really wanted the HTC Thunderbolt, however when I held it it felt massive.  It just seemed to big for my petite/dainty hands (hehe).  The next one I picked up was the Samsung Fascinate, and liked it immediately.  Just like Harry Pottery and his wand sending a warm jolt of energy to his body at first touch...ha ha ha!  Anyhoo, I really dig the swipe texting, and the look and feel of the Fascinate.  One drawback is that it does not have a front camera, so video chat isn't an option, however I'm not sure how often (if ever) I'd be in a situation where I'd only have my phone to do a video chat with someone - most likely we'd have Matt's iPad, or a laptop or some other means of doing video chat.

So far, I'm loving it - I love doing a quick check of FB, downloading 2 free versions of Angry Birds, and having the beautiful background pic sweet baby girl spread across all my home screens.  I don't like that Verizon wants to charge to tether the device to another wireless device for $20 a month, for 2 GB of data - that's highway robbery, although there HAS to be someway around that, right?  Admittedly I do have some remorse over not getting the iPhone, since I think I have been in love with the iPhone since it's conception, like 8 years ago, but beings that I'm not a mac user, or a heavy mac anything, I think I've made a decision that's right for me.

Update: $4 a dozen.

Previously, when I had written about eggs costing $4 a dozen, I was comparing it to my own shopping experiences at a normal grocery store - so I'm sure I'm buying eggs laid by caged, abused, and forced to eat their own feces chickens.

Fast forward to last week - we needed eggs, I was running to Whole Foods to get us some fish for supper, and Matt suggested that I pick up a dozen eggs, since we were out and my all time favorite breakfast (right now) on the weekend is an omelette made with Whole Foods bean and corn salsa, hold the cheese.  There I was, standing in front of the eggs, and I was SHOCKED that I could only see eggs that were in the range of $5 a dozen!  $5.49, $4.69....I finally found a dozen that was on sale for 2 for $5, and another that was $2.49 a at least there were options.

I didn't realize how much a a bargain (?) farm fresh eggs were for $4 a dozen.  Silly me.